I want you to know that I love you, and I count it a privilege to be your pastor. I don't take lightly the opportunity I have to share the Word of God with you every week. Nothing lasts forever, so while I have this opportunity I will embrace it fully, and I hope you'll come prepared every Sunday to hear from our Lord.
You are loved. You are also prayed for. I want you to know that the work of the ministry is not accomplished in human strength, power, or wisdom. It is accomplished by the Spirit of God through prayer. I am praying for you and for our church corporate, that God would do great things through us. I am also constantly praying that we would experience Jesus every Sunday and see him exalted in our midst.
On to the announcement list...
Vacation Bible School - We are looking to build a lead team for VBS. We are going to do the same VBS as last year, Mega Sports Camp. The dates for VBS are June 4-8. Please let Anthony or Mark know if you would like to be part of the lead team.
Sola -This Sunday we continue our sermon series covering the "5 Solas" of the Reformation. The word "sola" comes from Latin and means "alone". These 5 statements listed below were the theological truths that Protestant Reformation was built around, as they attempted to return the church to its Biblical roots.
- Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone)
- Sola Gratia (Grace alone)
- Sola Fide (Faith alone) - This Sunday
- Solus Christus (Christ alone)
- Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone).

Naco, AZ / Mexico Mission Trip - The dates are June 9-16. This trip will focus mostly on children's and youth ministry and a little on some light construction projects. Naco Baptist Church has started a new church in Mexico, and we are going to do a VBS on the Mexico side of the border to help establish this new church. We will also rerun the same VBS in the evenings at Naco Baptist on the Arizona side of the border.
Approximate trip cost is $400. Sign up on the bulletin board. We will purchase plane tickets by the end of March.
Membership Discovery - This is for anyone interested in knowing more information about FBC. If you're wanting to become a member of FBC, then you need to attend this class. March 25th at 5:00pm.

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