Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Thru 30 - Day 4 - Mark 1-10

The message of repentance...who's it for???

In Mark 1:14-15, Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee (northern area of Israel). His message is that the kingdom of God is at hand and that people need to repent and believe. Who is his audience? The people of Israel (God's people). The first thing Jesus does is to preach the message of repentance to those who have been "God's nation" for 2,000 years. Repentance is for God's people.

In Mark 6:7-12, Jesus sends out the apostles to preach. If you check the parallel passage in Matt 10:5-15 you will see that Jesus tells them to only go to the people of Israel. So, what is the message that the apostles preach? Mark 6:12, "So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent." Repentance is for God's people.

Of course, repentance is necessary for unbelievers to be saved, but here's our point for the day. Somewhere along the line, somebody developed this idea that repentance is a one-and-done thing. Says who??? Repentance is to be a major part (as in daily) of the life of a believer.

Repentance is for God's people.

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