Monday, February 8, 2010

New Thru 30 - Day 6 - Luke 5-14

Leaving Everything

In Luke 5 Jesus calls his first disciples. In 5:1-11 he calls the fisherman Peter, James, and John during one of their fishing trips. In 5:27-32 Jesus calls the tax collector, Levi.

These are ordinary people that Jesus used to do the extraordinary. So, how did it happen?

Check verse 11 and verse 28. They both say the same thing.

The fishermen and the tax collector left everything to follow Jesus. This is important. If our heart's desire is to build ourselves a nice kingdom here on earth and serve Jesus when we get a little spare time, then Jesus won't do much in us.

Jesus is demanding. He demands that we follow him wholeheartedly, not with one eye on him and one eye on maintaining our earthly kingdom.

Do you want to be a disciple of Jesus??? Leave everything. Follow him.

It's worth it.

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