Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Announcements (1.17.11)

Commitment Challenge - Our attendance has definitely improved the past 2 weeks. We've had 173 and 174. Our goal for this month (if you remember from Jan. 2 message) was to increase our average attendance to our seating capacity of 187 by the end of the month. So, we've got some work to do the next 2 weeks to continue bringing our average up. We need 200 average the next 2 weeks to hit our goal. Remember, this is not a stretch considering we have 253 active members and attendees.

In reality, (though we have been talking a lot about the numbers) this is not about the numbers. The numbers are a tangible thing that represents individuals who are gathering for worship and being impacted by the Word of God. As your pastors, we care for you, pray for you, and long for the best for you. God has placed us here to minister among you for your blessing. Check Ephesians 4:11-14, emphasis on 13-14. We need you to show up and be involved, so that you receive the fruit of our work. Each person is important to our church.

So, we really need you to be reaching out to those you are challenging to make sure they are coming. We have to do this together!!!

- The series continues this Sunday. Yesterday in a message called "Faith Grows" we found these 2 things in the life of Abraham.
  1. Faith grows from believing God can only work in the natural to believing God can work in the supernatural.
  2. Faith grows from trying to make God's word/promise happen in your timing & wisdom to trusting God's timing & wisdom.

Membership Discovery
- Interested in joining First Baptist? Want more info about how our church operates, what our mission and values are? This is the place. Membership Discovery will be on February 13th at 5:00 in the Golden Circle Room.

Youth Centrifuge Camp - Parents: If your child will be attending Centrifuge for the first time with the youth group this summer, there will be an info meeting for you and your child this Wednesday at 7:30pm in the youth room.

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