Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weekly Announcements (6.20.11)

VAN DRIVING ROTATION - We have kids who came to VBS who would like a ride to church on Sunday mornings. This is an awesome opportunity for ministry that we have before us. If we are to do this, we will need to create a rotation for the driving schedule. Please let me know asap if you are willing to be on this rotation. I am hoping for enough (8-10) people so that no one will have to drive more than once per month. It would require you to leave the church in the van around 8:45am so the kids will be here on time for Sunday School.

You can email me at mbass@smithvillefbc.org or leave a comment at the end of this post.

CENTRIFUGE / M-FUGE - Our teenagers are leaving Monday, July 4th to go to camp. Prayer sign ups are available on our bulletin board for you to be able to partner with a particular student in prayer for the week.

NEW TRACT RACK - Look for a new tract display in our side lobby this Sunday. These tracts are to help you share the gospel with your neighbors and our community. Spreading the gospel is at the core of what we do. Take as many tracts as you want.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Huge thank you to everyone who helped with Vacation Bible School in any way. You are each a huge blessing to our church and to all the children who attended.

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