Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Announcements (End of the Year Edition)

Christmas Cards - The card box in the church lobby is overflowing. That means lots of money for me if you don't come and get your cards!!!

Christmas Eve Service - We're having our annual candlelight communion service on Christmas Eve at 6:00pm.

Christmas Day - On Sunday, December 25th we will only have a morning worship service (no SS and no evening worship)

Sundays in January - Here's a glimpse at how we're starting off the year.
  • January 1 - Heads or Tails
  • January 8 & 15 - 2 week series called "What's God's Will?" all about (you guessed it)...knowing and living the will of God
  • January 22 - youth pastor candidate, Shane Carr, will be preaching. The church will vote on Shane following the morning worship service.
  • January 29 - We will start a sermon series called "Rich in Generosity"

Sunday nights in January we will finish Revelation. In February I would like to begin walking us through one of the 4 gospels. So, help me decide which one. Would you like to study the life of Christ from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John? Let me know by leaving a comment on this post or email me or just tell me in person.

First Baptist University - Starting Sunday, January 22nd at 5:00pm and going through April or May. The purpose is to equip you to be able to sit down with the Word of God, understand it, find the main point of a passage, and be able to communicate that to another person. If you come to this you will have to work and turn in assignments...that's why it's called University!!!

Membership Discovery - January 15th at 5:00pm


Buck said...

Would love to hear a study on Mark.

Buck said...

Would love to hear a study on Mark.