Thursday, March 12, 2009

Final day in Naco

Greetings from Naco mission team,

Today was bittersweet. Starting our day off right with the light bulb ministry in San Jose before taking off to Mexico. Today we had alot to look forward to.When we arrived in Cuauhtamoc A lovely lady by the name of Doris in the village prepared a meal for all the us at her home. It was delicious. We were so honored to have a seat at her table. I have to say the fellowship with these wonderful people was awesome. We had the last day of V.B.S. The kids had a terrific time. We were so blessed by how many of them love and respect the chruch. After much play we had to say goodbye. So many hugs and tears were shared. It was really hard to walk away. God is so big and does so many wonderful things in our lives and if we are not watching they can easily pass us by.The evening ended with a trip up the mountain to see the sunset(Out Of This World),and dinner at this great italian restaurant. We have had a fabulous journey this week and are looking forward to seeing our loved ones and chruch family.

hasta luego

Mission Team

1 comment:

Walt said...

Looking forward to having some blog input on your Peru Trip.