Friday, February 5, 2010

New Thru 30 - Day 5 - Mark 11-16, Luke 1-4


Today, you read the crucifixion narrative as Mark presents it. One part of the narrative is Peter's denial of Jesus. Jesus had told Peter beforehand that it would happen (Mk. 14:26-31).

You can read the actual account of the denial in Mk. 14:66-72. As you read that passage you can feel the fear in Peter. The words of verse 71 are some of the most heart-breaking in the Bible, "But Peter began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, 'I do not know this man of whom you speak.'"

To invoke a curse on yourself??? To swear??? To tell a boldfaced and shameful lie??? To deny Jesus???

Fast forward to resurrection day (Mark 16:1-8). In verse 7, the angel tells the women who come to the tomb, "But go, tell his disciples and Peter..." The emphasis was on specifically making sure that Peter heard the message b/c Peter needed it more than them all.

Jesus was all about restoring Peter, not beating Peter up. Do you need to hear that from God today? No matter your failures, the message from God is, "I love my children and you..."

Peter went on to be used in a mighty way by God. God can do the same in your life.

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