Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last Day in Coracora

Today is our last day in Coracora. We will begin the long journey back to Lima this afternoon.

Yesterday we spent several hours at the orphanage playing with the kids and talking with the house parents. We shared the gospel with the house parents. They were all very deeply entrenched in Catholicism. Catholicism is not only the religion of the town, but it is completely interwoven with the political and business aspects of the town as well. You cannot turn anywhere that you do not see it. More about this later.

We had a great night with our Bible study group last night. As I told you yesterday we have found and man who will continue leading the group. Yesterday afternoon we were also able to work out a location for the group to meet. Praise God.

The situation is very fragile because all of the people meeting in the group are new believers, but we do not trust in human strength. We trust in God who is able to do far more than we could ever ask or think. We have given Andres, the leader, a schedule of Bible passages to lead the group through until we can send another team back to Coracora. Pray for him to understand the passages and lead well.

Pray for our safe travel. I look forward to seeing you and worshiping with you again. We are blessed.

I love you church...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mark,
I've been keeping a journal as I read through the Bible (thanks for your encouragement to do this) and I was reading some of them this morning. Zechariah 4:10 Don't despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand" (referring to the humble start at the rebuilding of the temple) We can rejoice at the small beginning at Coracora. Blessings